Sunday, November 30, 2008


Thanksgiving has come and gone. We had a great time with family members. Barbara's sister and husband (Patricia and Roy) and their daughter Jennifer and her friend Brian were able to be here for Thanksgiving along with Sara, Adam, Emerson and Carly. Above is the obligatory group picture. We enjoyed the traditional Thanksgiving meal and had plenty of left-overs.
Carly had the best seat in the dining room and the most toys to play with during dinner.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Veterans' Day Poppy Sale

On Saturday VFW Post 9851 mobilized to sell Poppys to support veteran relief efforts. We met at the Post in the morning and then fanned out through the city to sell Poppys in front of various stores and street corners. I had a busy corner with two other Post members. I estimated I was able to collect $200 to $300 during the 3 1/2 hours I worked. Some gave $20 bills and some just the loose change they had available. One of the other members on our corner even collected a $100 bill. The post also sold Poppys on Sunday. It was estimated that we were able to collect about $4600.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Awaiting the Results

Barbara and I went to our polling place today, arriving about 9:45 AM. I took us almost 2 hours to get to the voting booth. As you can see in the above photo, the place was jam-packed and the photo only shows half the crowd. There were several hundred people in line. It took us an hour to get to the the registration point and then about another hour to get to the voting booth. There were only 4 voting stations in the precinct. Way too few for the crowd. We talked to several people while in line and Barbara was smart and brought along a book to read. One person even brought her own lawn chair.
However, the wait was worth to vote in a country where your vote really means something.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 2008

Halloween was last night and the grand kids had fun getting dressed in the costumes. Emerson was one of his favorite heros, Batman. Carly was a black cat. Afterward getting dressed they had fun as they trick or treated in the neighborhood.