Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Visitor from the East Continues His Westward Trip

Dad arrived from his visit with my sister's family for Christmas. His flight from Cleveland was only 25 minutes late (which is on time based on travel woes by other travelers this holiday season. Andrew and I were at the nashville Airport to pick him up and whisk him home to see the rest of the family.

Below is Dad and the Puzzle Master (aka great grandson Emerson) working on a puzzle on the kitchen floor. They had it together in no time flat.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Emerson is showing Carly his collection of Christmas DVDs before they leave to visit Santa.

A family photo of the Meadors as they prepare to leave for Adam's company Christmas party. Carly looks beautiful in a lovely red dress with white tights and black shoes with bows. Emerson is handsome in a red sweater. and his new shoes. Mom and Dad are all dressed up too. Rumor had it that Santa would visit the party. I asked Emerson to tell Santa that I wanted a red car for Christmas.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Carly's New Helmet

Carly was fitted for helmet yesterday. She has to wear the helmet 23 hours a day to help reshape her skull. She seems to have adapted to the helmet and doesn't cry while its on. The helmet is about 3/4 inch thick. As she grows they will remove layers inside it. Hopefully she will have to wear the helmet for 3 to 4 months.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

More Grandchildren Pictures

Spiderman and Carly!! She loves the bouncy chair.

Emerson and Curious George!!!

What a great smile on Carly!!!!

Emerson and Carly playing together. He take great care of his little sister.

Test Time

Add Image Here are pictures of Emerson and Carly about the same age. Which one is which? Please leave your answers in the comments.