I am still waiting for the remainder of the track to arrive via UPS. The train store in town did not have all the switches I needed. Once the track is here, the fun begins, wiring it all so that it works properly.
The bottom of the diagram shows the name of each structure and the roads and other features. The roads are all named after country music singers, starting with those who lived/live in Hendersonville. Notably Johnny Cash and Taylor Swift. I guess I will have to add a gazebo and park to the layout so my brother-in-law, Bill, can bring his barbershop quartet down for a concert.
I laid as much track as I had as shown above. Then I cut out sheets of paper to the proper size for each building and moved them around til I had a feasible layout. This helped verify where everything would fit. Then I went back to the layout diagram and updated it with the buildings in the proper location. Next I added the roads and parking areas. It doesn't do any good to have a building/industry if the workers can't get to it.
That is quite a layout. Keep us updated on your progress.
I want to visit Skip's Chicken & Ribs...yum!! Tiny fried chicken :)
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